Once a time I wanted to convert a
matlab structure into an xml file. I know there are many ready solutions but I
wanted one which fit exactly my needs. Let's say that we have a structure
Student like this:
Student.Firstname = 'George';
Student.Surname = 'Hames';
Student.Age = 19;
Student.Semester = 'C';
Student.Course1.Grade = 8;
Student.Course2.Grade = 7;
Student.Course3.Grade = 9;
Student.Course4.Grade = 5;
and we want to convert it into this xml file:
My draft solution is this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | function xml = struct2xml( s ) sfields = fieldnames(s); xml = ''; for i=1:length(sfields) if isstruct(s.(sfields{i})) xml = [xml, strtrim(strcat('<', sfields{i}, '>')), char(10), strtrim([struct2xml(s.(sfields{i})), strcat('</', sfields{i}, '>')]), char(10)]; else fieldValue = s.(sfields{i}); if (iscell(fieldValue)) if (size(fieldValue,1)>1), fieldValue = fieldValue'; end; fieldValue = strjoin(fieldValue, '#'); end if (isnumeric(fieldValue) && length(fieldValue)>1) fieldValueStr = ''; for j=1:length(fieldValue) fieldValueStr = strcat(fieldValueStr, num2str(fieldValue(j)), '#'); end fieldValue = fieldValueStr(1:length(fieldValueStr)-1); end if (isnumeric(fieldValue) && length(fieldValue)==1) fieldValue = num2str(fieldValue); end xml = [xml, strcat('<', sfields{i}, '>', char(fieldValue), '</', sfields{i}, '>'), char(10)]; end end end |
First of all I have to say that it is not the optimum solution but it works for me. If a field takes multiple values, I use a delimiter (#) to represent them as a string. For example if struct1.field1 = [1 3 40 2] then in the xml we have <struct1><field1>1#3#40#2</field1></struct1>. In order to write the xml string to a file I use the following script:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | function [] = struct2xmlfile( s, filename ) xmlStr = struct2xml(s); xmlStr = strrep(xmlStr, '%', '%%'); fid = fopen(filename, 'wt'); fprintf(fid, xmlStr); fclose(fid); end |