Friday, 15 May 2015

Use psexec to execute commands on remote machines

If you want to execute a command on a remote windows system, you can use the psexec utility ( Download, unzip it on your local hard drive and run the psexec.exe utility by using the following general syntax:
psexec \\computer-name command


Let's say that the remote machine is named test-pc. You can:
1) Get its ip configuration: psexec \\test-pc ipconfig
2) Get its shared network resources: psexec \\test-pc net view
3) Execute a program that resides on the remote system's local drive: psexec \\test-pc "C:\test\test.exe"
5) Issue any command as you would do on the local computer.


When a remote command fails to execute you can think of the following possible solutions:
1) Remember that you should have an account with the same credentials (username and password) on the remote machine.
2) Check the command's syntax. Keep in mind that paths with spaces should be enclosed in "".
3) Make sure that you have enabled the default ADMIN$ share on the remote machine.
4) Consider the possible security issues. For example, lets say that you want to change the default gateway of the remote system to You'll need administrator privileges to do this. The psxec utility allows you to specify the username and password with which you want to execute the remote command. So, in this case you should type: psexec \\test-pc -u username -p passwd route change mask  
 5) Even if you are an administrator on the remote machine the UAC (User Account Control) may block the command execution.Theoritically, the psexec allows you to bypass the UAC prompt by using the -h option, but in my case (Windows 8.1), this does not always work.

For more details, you should study the full documentation of psexec.